Thursday, December 21, 2006

The Pre--Holiday Storm

Finals, papers, insomnia, temporary attention deficit disorder, and random chaos are the words which best encompass finals week. For me things were slightly easier than past semesters, however still challenging. I was responsible for creating a Gate II Portfolio, which means if passed they will allow me to student teach...scary I know! The paper ended up being a monster; I think the binder weighs five pounds with over seventy five pages of reflections, papers, and assessments.

Christmas is just around the corner which means little smokeys, winter break, spending money that doesn’t exist, and cross country skiing through the north woods (if there is enough snow!) Today it was raining in Eau Claire, so much for the white Christmas. That being said…Happy Holidays!

On the riding front things have been slow. This past week+ I have put in around 200 miles of high cadence, toe numbing, face burning late December rides. John and I have been out for some rides, mostly night rides along the river and away from crazy holiday drivers in a haze. I will start to pick things up again soon. With a less demanding spring semester I should have more time for quality rides and maybe a routine…although I better not ask for too much at once.

Tuition payments are fast approaching for next spring so it has become increasingly important to liquidate some carbon bikes. If you are interested I am still trying to sell my 2006 Trek 9.9 (21.5inch) carbon laced speed lusting mountain bike. It is currently listed on mtbr, check it out! Tell a friend!

Thank You! I have not said it enough this season to the people who are paying the bills and handing the bottles and screaming on the trailside. Thanks PCW for another great year! Thanks you John (not John Beck, but him too!) for all the race support! I resigned my contract with PCW for another race season in 2007 and am excited to once again ride for the Midwest’s Blue Train. Thank you to the sponsors, I would not be riding without you!

Support Tristan’s world’s campaign!

Quote of the day:

“We each carry our own Tour de France inside of us.” ~ Philippe Brunel

Train Hard Train Smart…

Happy Holidays


Friday, November 17, 2006


It is truly a sad sight to see three bikers trying to run, but that has been the story here in Eau Claire for the past month. Chad and John have been at it for the past few weeks, and I joined them for the first time early this week. We only ran for 40 minutes or so, but I'm still hobbling around campus. I'm hoping I adapt pretty quick, or it's going to be a long winter.

John and I have been lifting a few times a week also. Getting huge. Warming up in the weight room on a stationary bike really makes you want to get outside and ride. Unfortunately we've had some snow/rain here. It's fair to say, though, that we have all been in off season mode lately. Chad has been mega busy, and is now officially student teaching at a school in chippewa falls. We're getting close to heading back up to Spoon town for some turkey and mashed potatoes and to catch up with the family.

Couple of other fun things;

Check out Tj Woodruff's new coaching program website:


Chad's 9.9 is on Ebay right now, so if anyone is looking for a lovely bike let us know.

So that's it around here. I hope everyone's cross season is going well!

Happy Thanksgiving,


Thursday, November 16, 2006

For your listening enjoyment

The Cranberries, Linger. Enough said.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Chew on this

This afternoon, while sipping coffee with John and chatting with Ron Kay, we decided it would be a dandy time to put together a list of the stuff that really grinds our gears. Not that we're cynical people (you may disagree in a few minutes), but it just seemed to be the right time. This is the type of list that can't be pre-meditated, it just happens. While your reading this list feel free to say to yourelf (but not too loudly) amen, or wow these guys are in my head, right on, so true, or even just sit back and giggle. Invite your friends over, get into a heated argument, whatever floats your boat.

so here goes....

We are not big fans of:

$40 dollar jeans
11:11 make a wish
Vote No
Vote Yes
Tree huggers
slightly cracked ping pong balls
political emails
slightly deflated basketballs
Jinco Jeans
animal wallpaper
tube socks
big girls "slipping" into a size 2
People who don't give a damn
people who do give a damn
wasabi (Horseraddish's bastard child)
people who drag their shoes when they walk
drunk girls
trying to drink out of a nalgene bottle while walking
black tea
lost remotes
cheap duct tape
slow drivers
credit card statements
people who stand in the middle of the sidwalk to chit chat
freedom fries
foreign professors with thick accents
Mold in water bottles
wet shoes
deodorant that stings your armpits
microwave clocks
Admiral Nelson
Dr. Phil
Carlos Mencia
straws with a little crack in them
sleeping with contacts still in
HR monitors that don't read quite right
security deposits
trying to balance your checkbook
snakes on a plane
Random Gary fisher contracts
Snakes on a Plane
cordless mice that don't work so hot
progressivley shorter overlapping t-shirts
dude capris
ass crack (I don't care who it is)
Grey's Anatomy
Riding in August
no water hand sanitizer
sign holders
turn only lanes
wet towel from a previous shower
Marylin Manson ( the guy, not the music)
stripped bolts
19th birthdays
chex mix w/ M &M's
almond joy
crying babies (the best birth control)
scratched CD's
Bad art
Zelda 12
slow leaks
holes in the toes of socks
paper cuts
feng shui
the mall
screen doors
drinking fountains that don't shoot far enough
drinking fountains that shoot too far
people who feel the need to make out with the drinking fountain when the flow is just right
sponge bob
smell of subways
motion sickness
bat winging
grips that spin on handlebars
laguna beach
Rosie O'donnel
Ink stains
lower back tatoos (tramp stamps)
razor burn
best buy (don't get me wrong this place rocks, but it takes your money)
Kevin Bacon
big words in small situations
foldable bikes
"just get me the part, I'll take it back to the farm and fix it"
tiny staplers
paper clips
common cold
vitamin C
cynical people....

Friday, October 06, 2006

The Late Season Shuffle

I should start out with my present education situation. I have fallen subject to the hardest semester of my college career. This semester is dreaded by all education majors. They call it Block, which means practice and methodology in the classroom. This translates to a gargantuan amount of time and copious amounts of busy work. I student teach in a small school in Chippewa Falls for half the semester. We go all day for eight weeks straight, and if that’s not enough work we have to pay for it! However, to a put a positive spin on matters I am learning things. For example at recess the other day I learned how to play four square. Do you know how? In addition I am relearning important life skills which I may have forgotten since elementary school, things like listening, cooperation and following direction.

Now for the quick and saddening Wisconsin Rapids race recap. Leading the chase train after slow start I developed a small leak in my front tire. I reached back for my CO2, not there! Rookie mistake I thought as I visualized the cartridge setting in the roof rack. For a while I was able to milk it out, but then tragedy struck in a root slip log slam on the leg over the bars tire roll crash. I was done. Jesrin handed me some air but I had to cut a chunk of trail to catch him. I chased back for the remainder of the lap and drop out at the finish. Such is racing.

So the training volume has been way down the last couple weeks mainly for the reasons listed above, however I have gotten some cool (literally and figuratively) night rides in. Tomorrow John and I are heading south to Shevegas for the PCW race. Chase has two big exams on Monday so he can’t make it. I heard the course has changed so we will be pre-riding tomorrow early afternoon, hope to see you there.

Quote of the day:

This is not Disneyland, or Hollywood. I'll give you an example: I've read that I flew up the hills and mountains of France. But you don't fly up a hill. You struggle slowly and painfully up a hill, and maybe, if you work very hard, you get to the top ahead of everybody else. -Lance Armstrong

Picture from the fat, compliments of Woody.

Spring break training trio 2004.

World is Your Playground,

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Chequamegon - The good, the bad, and the Ugly

At the starting line I knew it was going to be fast, but I had no idea how fast. Looking around I saw all the local guns scatterd between several national superstars along with some world class athletes. The road lead out was crazy as usual with several crashes near the rear and tire burns at the front. I was riding the north side of the road trying to avoid the wind and keep out of trouble for the majority of 77. I hit Rosey's field on Hall's wheel rounding out the top ten. Rosey's was managable but when we hit the birkie I was on the rivet! Swanson threw down hard going ballistic on one of the first climbs. I was about ten riders back watching it unfold. I was waiting for the big counter but no one had it. Mike, Doug, Brown, and JHK were off the front! After brief shock we had a stacked chase group with Hall, Matter, Tristan, Ian, Tj, Phillips and myself. Our group worked together for the most part but I know some were in deep debt. I was feeling strong at OO when Tj made a little acceleration; I followed and pulled through. We had a short lived gap but with Hall and Ian in chase it didn't last long. My bad luck came just after the lake when an air borne stick jammed between my frame and chain. I was only off the bike for ten seconds, but thats all it took. For five miles I was chasing hard and came within 20 yards.....not enough I was OTB! I still had twelve miles to go so I put it in TT mode to save a top ten.

In the end I was a couple minutes behind my group but can't help but wonder what could have been, I was feeling strong. Big congrats to all the finishers especially Tj and Jesrin for awesome results!

Happy Recovery

Friday, September 15, 2006


Just a quick update, I guess any update will do these days, about the upcoming Fat Tire. John, Chase and I have been doing some prep rides the past couple weeks but training has been on the rocks. School is crazy and life is chaotic at best! I am super pumped to be racing again after my short absence from the WORS series and will be looking forward to dicing it up this weekend. Tj has his special sauce, Jesse has his predictions, Trek has everyone, Matter is on the up and up, and am excited to get out there! See you at the races, good luck!

World is your playground,